We received fantastic entries for the Color and Light Book Trailer Contest. I couldn’t resist sharing them with you now so that you can help decide the grand prize winner.
Please watch them all and vote for your favorite in the poll at left.
Eric (SuperVillain)
Christian Schlierkamp, completed with the help of Kilian, Karim, Maite, Luis, Leon, and Dominik, ages 9-12. Animation workshop organized by JKN Berlin.
Ana Hesselbart
Jared Updike
Note on prizes: In addition to the signed poster, I’ve decided to give every entry a free signed book of their choice. The poll winner will receive a book of their choice plus the actual book that appears in the “Painting Rainbows video.”
Be sure to follow the links on the names to learn more about each of the contestants. Thanks to everyone who entered, and thanks for voting.
Order Color and Light from the Dinotopia Store
Order C&L from Amazon
See the book trailer contest winners for Imaginative Realism
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