Here at last are some images from the “Tool People” workshop I conducted at the Delaware Art Museum a little while ago.
This four-hour creature design class had a sold-out attendance that included people of high school age and older. Each person brought a tool from the workshop or kitchen and an action figure or a doll (One high school art teacher brought a whole backpack full of GI Joes to loan out).

The students set up around the long tables and started by accurately sketching the objects they were going to morph.

Then they came up with character concepts such as the “Scissors Bunny” and the “Lemon Squeezer Guy.” People experimented with bending, squashing, and stretching rigid forms to make them come to life. Some developed backstories and “frontstories” for their characters, and some even started generating a series of graphic novel panels right on the spot.

In high spirits we posed outside the museum for our class photo. Thanks to everyone who attended! It was great fun to meet you and work with you.
Delaware Art Museum