Fortunately we have most of the original art available for comparison. This painting, called “Doorway to Mystery,” was first published in Dinotopia: The World Beneath, a copy of which lies open next to the page proof. The blue-greens of that water are especially hard to capture.
Color Correcting
The last few days I’ve been color-correcting my upcoming book. Since the subject is “color and light,” my publishers and I want to get it as accurate as we can.
Each of the 270 or so separate color illustrations has to be checked and marked up on the press proofs.
Fortunately we have most of the original art available for comparison. This painting, called “Doorway to Mystery,” was first published in Dinotopia: The World Beneath, a copy of which lies open next to the page proof. The blue-greens of that water are especially hard to capture.
Fortunately we have most of the original art available for comparison. This painting, called “Doorway to Mystery,” was first published in Dinotopia: The World Beneath, a copy of which lies open next to the page proof. The blue-greens of that water are especially hard to capture.